Discover The Most Unique Designer Handbag Ever Created!
One Designer Handbag....Unlimited Styles!

See What You Can Do
With Just One Purse!
With just 3 quick steps, you'll own the most unique & trendy, interchangeable purse that truly makes perfect sense.
Step One {Base Bags} Select A Miche Base Bag. Select one of the 4 sizes of Miche Base Bags, Classic, Petite, Demi, and the Prima. When you've selected your Base Bag, you're ready to begin browsing all of the shell styles, to match your personality or outfits. SHOP NOW >> Build your Miche handbags / purse here now!
Step Two {Shells} Select A Miche Bag Shell. Miche has so many style purse shells to select from, you'll always find a shell that fits your mood, style, or outfit. Our shell designers continually design unique and stylish shells of all colors and sizes. With our Miche Handbags, you will truly have unlimited potential with just one bag. SHOP NOW >> We have your full selection of Miche Shells.
Step Three {Wallets & Accessories} Select Your Accessories. Let the fun begin! Now select from dozens of add on accessories the style up a bag that is as just as unique as you! Add accessories such as Handles, Wallets, Purse Charms, Coin Purses, and Closet Organizers. Each add on accessory can be color coordinated to match your miche purse shells. SHOP NOW >>

What You've Been Looking For Has Just Arrived!
Click Here to watch VIDEO
demonstration of Miche Handbags!

There will always be alove affair with women and their purse. It's true and you know it! Allowing women to keep their belongings in just one bag while changing the look and style to suit their mood or outfit is what Miche Handbags are all about. Women all over the globe are now finding out just how unique, stylish, and trendy Miche Purses really are! See For Yourself!With such a huge buzz going on about Miche Purses, you don't want to miss out on this new fashion trend sweeping the nation.
Here at Miche, we aren't only about the hottest designer handbags in the world. We carry a line of dedicated Miche Purses, shells, and accessories called our "Hope" collection. When "Hope" purses, shells, or accessories are purchased, a portion of the proceeds get donated to help fund the research for the fight against cancer. What better way to lend your support, than through fashion!

Becoming An Independent
Miche Representative!

If you've ever looked for a business opportunity that is fun, exciting, and profitable, then becoming a Miche Representative is just for you. Starting your own home business as an Independent Miche Representative is quick and easy. Many men and women are capitalizing on this unique fashion trend known as Miche. With the "Miche" name steadily becoming a household name in the fashion industry, now is the perfect time to get in on the action. Miche Purses and Shells practically sell all by themselves. So there's never been a better time to capitalize on this mega trend of what many fashion experts are calling "The Hottest Designer Handbag Ever Created"
You're in control of how much you want to earn with Miche interchangeable designer handbags. As a Miche Representative, it's your business, your rules.
Just remember "Opportunities Like This Don't Just Go Away, They Just Go To Someone Else"

What Is The Media
Saying About Miche Handbags?

Star Magazine: StarStyle "Miche handbags are a genius concept." Star Magazine showcases UK "it" girl Louise Roe sporting a Miche Kali BigBag Shell while she was featured during their Star Salker section about Miche Shells and bags.
Good Day New Mexico "It's time to get your own Miche Bag" KOB4 in New Mexico reviews Miche Purses during their morning show "Good Day New Mexico" Miche Bags are even on the radio.
Connect 2 Utah "In the long run, a base-bag investment now will save you money over the years." The hosts at KUTV2 Utah review the Miche Handbags during their "Hot List" portion of the show.
Denise Marilyn "Accessories and outerwear with Afiya Francisco" Miche was featured on their "Fashion Trends" segment.
OK Diet Magazine "What I Ate Today" Also featured in the "Who wore it best" article in the March 21, 2011 US magazine, style guru Louise Roe topped off her Tadashi Shoji dress in L.A. with a stylish Miche clutch.
Exercise TV "The Love It! Show Ep 11: Miche Bag" Get to know Sharon Catherine Blanks, wife of Billy Blanks Jr, as she introduces you to her hot new obsession; the Miche bag.